Arms Manufacturers Hoping To Team Up With Rick & Morty To Deliver “Explosive Sauce” To Afghan Civilians

Following a failed partnership with Marvel Comics, arms manufacturer Northrop Grumman has latched onto the success of Rick & Morty’s McDonalds Szechuan Sauce promotion as a possible new way to engage with highly motivated youth.
Unveiling the planned “Sauce Blast” event, the global defense technology giant explained that fans of the show could “help out Rick” by testing his “latest crazy invention”: an unmanned drone which can “Szechuanise” innocent brown people from 2,500 kilometres away.
“Wubba lubba dub dub!” reads the press release. “Rick’s got himself into a real pickle! Help this madcap scientist spread that delicious inter-dimensional taste by passing low over Afghan villages and scanning them for heat signatures!”
“Once you’ve located the awaiting sauce lovers, simply deliver the payload and you’re one step closer to earning your own bottle of the good stuff. For every sauce lover you drench with that magical taste, you’ll earn credits which you can spend at the Northrup Grumman Rick & Morty online store! Get schwifty!”
Truly dedicated fans can apply for a variety of jobs with the company to earn “extra credit” towards bottles of the sauce.
The proposed partnership has been rejected out of hand by Rick & Morty creators, who described it as “too sociopathic even for us”. Their official rejection has done nothing to dissuade some series fans who got wind of the promotion however, with a large crowd of nerds ransacking a U.S. Marine Corps recruitment office, chanting “we want the sauce” as they overturned police cars and broke windows.