Epic! This Older Woman Who Plays Games Doesn’t Mind Being Condescended To

As woke feminist kings, we absolutely love it when we see women who defy sterotypes and refuse to be boxed in by society’s expectations. That’s why when we learned about Sally Splint, a woman who doesn’t fit into your sexist boundaries, we couldn’t wait to meet her! Sally is an older woman, and, unbelievably, a gamer too – one who’s not letting her advanced age turn her into a worthless old crone.
Sally, who is 59 years young, says she can spend as many as three nights a week playing games, and we think that’s amazing! Unlike her peers, Sally REFUSES to be defined by the fact that she’s an elderly woman – she’s the hero we all need, and someone the straight young white men at Point & Clickbait feel fully qualified to lionise as a feminist icon!
“Yes, I game occasionally,” Sally told us, a confused, aggrieved look on her face – probably because we pulled her away from her gaming PC for even a minute. Yas, kween!
And her favourite game? Sally’s not your typical fake gamer girl who won’t even accept your Facebook friend request or reply to your polite Instagram DMs – she doesn’t just play The Sims all day! Her favourite game is one we DID NOT expect – it’s Fortnite, which is FAR from your typical game for girls, like My Little Pony or Barbie Adventures. Metal. As. Fuck.
“Yes, I suppose so” Sally responded, when asked if she could kick the ASS of any MAN who dared cross her path in the game. This is one elder that we, the future recipients of the Golden Cookie at the Thought Leaders In Representation Awards later this year, ACTUALLY respect!
The Gaming Granny (whose 22-year-old daughter Eleanor has not yet given her any grandchildren, even though we’re SURE she’d love a little boy to game with) is proof positive that gaming transcends age and gender boundaries. Sally’s humble AF, too – when asked how it felt to be an ambassador for her entire gender, Sally said she “wasn’t sure what we meant”. Incredible – and definitely something other women could learn from, in our fully qualified opinion.
So remember, fellow gamers – the next time you’re dropping, don’t just ask the BOYS where they want to land. You might just have an elderly woman playing with you, and as long as you’re playing before 7:30pm, she might kick! Your! Ass!
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