On The Wagon: YouTuber Reaches 100 Days Clean Of Ranting About Feminism

YouTuber Walter “Lord_ofDEATHGaming” Norris has today celebrated 100 days without mentioning the effect of feminist criticism on gaming.
The record is an outstanding personal milestone for Norris, who initially suffered a few false starts but has since been able to maintain his now unbroken 100-day streak.
“The first month was the toughest,” confessed Norris. “They warned me I was using these rants as an emotional crutch, but once it was gone, I didn’t realise how hard I’d have to work just to keep moving.”
“I nearly fell off the wagon a few times. Someone sent me a screenshot of a tweet Anita Sarkeesian had made and… well, let’s just say that was a tough day. But I got through it.”
Norris is a member of the “Calmer Every Day” program, an outreach organisation which works with self-identified “Angry” YouTubers. The course involves breathing exercises, guided meditation, and honest self-reflection in a judgement free Google Hangout.
Program head Olivia Bell says that she is very proud of Norris for reaching the milestone, and hopes that he can serve as an example to other YouTubers struggling with the same fixation.
“This sort of thing is addictive,” warns Bell. “There are a lot of Angry YouTubers out there, and we’re really only starting to scratch the surface in terms of treatment.”
“If you, or someone you love, is Angry on YouTube, please don’t let them post another reaction video. Please step in before it’s too late.”