Wow! This DICE Artist Lovingly Rendered A Perfect Star Destroyer That Nobody Will Notice Because EA Really Fucked Up

DICE 3D modeler and tech artist Kristi Alvarado is celebrating today as she prepares for the launch of Star Wars: Battlefront II, comforted by the knowledge that all of her beautifully-rendered models and textures will be ignored after EA ruined everything.
Alvarado, who spent dozens of hours making sure the shader model on Stormtrooper armour was a perfect replica of the appearance in the original Star Wars trilogy, was looking forward to people appreciating her skill and committment.
However, she says that two or three weeks of endless coverage describing in detail how EA fucked up, and then two more weeks of coverage analysing that fuck-up in the broader context of the industry, is a “close second” to being celebrated for your hard work. Talk about being thankful for what you’ve got!
In fact, this serene game developer says she welcomes the ongoing controversy.
“I always wanted to work on something that people would remember,” explained Alvarado to Point & Clickbait. “I guess I was hoping it would be remembered as a visual treat for fans, but being remembered for the publisher fucking up the monetisation system so bad they need to backflip on it before the game even launches is okay too. I guess.”
Inspiring! As big publishers crowbar more and more excessive monetisation systems into their AAA titles, the games industry is going to need more talented and well-adjusted developers like Alvarado to keep the dream alive.
SHARE to thank EA for their colossal fuck-up!