Unpaid Steam Reviewer Dreams Of Becoming Unpaid Games Journalist

With a portfolio of over 150,000 unpaid words of Steam reviews behind her, fresh-faced gamer Angela Walker is hopeful about her chances of writing another 150,000 unpaid words — but this time, for a prominent games journalism outlet.
The young aspiring writer has spent hundreds of hours contributing detailed, thoughtful reviews of games from her Steam library without being paid for it. Now she can’t wait to take her skills on the road and realise her goals of not being paid in a whole new way.
“This is the next big step in my career,” gushed an excited Walker as she looked over an inbox full of emails from editors, none of whom had freelance budgets but who did have plenty of exposure and free review copies to spend.
“I mean it’s not the next big step in that it will put food on the table, or pay for my education, or provide for me materially in any way, but it’s something! I hope!”
Walker explained that she was ready to jump right into her new role when the call to greatness came, and that the skills she learned were “really transferrable”.
“Creating content which benefits the people who own the page where it’s published, but not seeing a cent myself in return – I feel like I’ve been training for this all my life!”