Bethesda E3 Rehearsal Falters As Staff Admit They Don’t Know What Elder Scrolls Legends Is

A dress rehearsal of Bethesda’s upcoming E3 2017 presentation was plunged into an awkward silence this week when the presenter was forced to admit they did not know how to play “whatever this is”.
The hiccups first began with an awkward silence as the presenter fumbled their way through the part of the presentation relating to The Elder Scrolls: Legends, seemingly taken aback by its inclusion and improvising dialogue around a “newly announced card game” which “we will probably detail at a later date”.
Nearby staff who were ordered to take over did not fare much better, pressing random keys during a live demonstration and loudly saying “ah yes, the scrolls… they’re old” while nodding to each other.
Point & Clickbait understands that an infuriated Bethesda vice president Pete Hines took the stage personally to discipline his wayward employees, but was locked out of the game after accidentally entering his username and password several times into the login box.
An internal memo to all employees has been released, asking staff who are familiar with The Elder Scrolls: Legends to urgently make themselves known to the PR office for immediate stage training. Unfortunately, a leaked copy of the memo has now found its way to Kotaku, leading them to publish a news article titled “Bethesda To Announce Brand-New Card Game Set In The Elder Scrolls Universe At E3”.
Pete Hines has refused to comment.