List Of Ways That Sean Murray Personally Betrayed Local Man Growing By The Minute

Developer Sean Murray is today being called out for his crimes against local gamer Eric Ramos, which include a variety of charges ranging from “misrepresented the feature set of No Man’s Sky” to “made me spill milk all over my keyboard”.
Ramos has been meticulously cataloguing Murray’s various crimes ever since No Man’s Sky launched, determined that this professional liar answer for the differences between the E3 trailers and the final product, and also for the time he snuck into Ramos’ house and left one of the bathroom taps dripping slightly.
According to Ramos, Sean Murray must also face justice for burning his toast, stealing one of each of his socks so that he only has mis-matched pairs, and “eating my girlfriend’s share of the ice-cream while I was home alone so that it looked like I did it”.
Murray’s total silence on the issue, and all other issues, has been taken as proof of guilt by Ramos. The ticked-off gamer says he won’t rest until Murray is finally behind bars, or at least stops hiding his phone and wallet down the back of the couch.