Ruling: Rugby Challenge 3 Meets Minimum Legal Requirements To Not Be Rugby Challenge 2

Publisher Tru Blu Entertainment has breathed a sigh of relief as the government consumer watchdog begrudgingly ruled that Rugby Challenge 3 was, technically, a sequel.
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission found that the exact same game with new textures and a single new mode could, under certain generous circumstances up to and including “desperation”, be considered a new game.
The news means that rugby fans are now free to purchase the game, despite the fact that they already own it with the number ‘2’ on the cover instead.
“If we don’t buy every single rugby game — League or Union — at whatever price they charge, they might stop making them,” explained Granthle Burstap, a rugby fan from Noosa Heads in Queensland.
“I’d rather have a bad game that I paid $100 for than be forced to learn how that bloody euro game works, you know?”
Leaked documents from Tru Blue Entertainment show that they are considering a new strategy moving forward: planning to call their next release Rugby Challenge 3 again and just do away with the pretense.
“People will appreciate that we’re being honest and up-front with them by not just half-heartedly making changes just to justify adding 1 to the title,” reads the memorandum.
“We’ll still charge $100 for it though. Rugby fans will buy anything.”